Thursday 21 March 2013

Get Your Mood New and Fresh through Natural Serotonin Supplements

Is your mood off? Are you suffering from irritability, fatigue, low libido, lack of patience, and disturbed sleep? If all the answers are 'Yes', there is no need to worry. You will get solution through serotonin supplements that can boost your mood and physical vitality. Serotonin being an effective neuro-transmitter in human body, it combines with the two transmitters like Neurotransmitter precursor and modulator that take care of the mood swings and revitalize your mood. Control of body and mind is always important. When body gets disturbed, mind may give you strength and boost. On the contrary, a bad mood and an unhappy mind does harm to your health in many dimensions. Serotonin enriched foods with dopamine and norepinephrine can promise you fresh mood. 

Diet Plays a Great Role

Concentrate on carbohydrate and protein rich diet including bananas, beans, gruyere, milk, turkey, yogurt, meat, Swiss cheese, eggs, fish, nuts, and cheddar. Take almonds, fruits, salmon and tuna fish, Whole-grain breads, pasta, cereal, rice, and crackers to raise the serotonin level in your brain. Milk is one of the natural serotonin boosters containing an amino acid called tryptophan. Apart from diet, you can exercise for 30–60 minutes on a regular basis to boost yourself. Sunlight is a natural serotonin booster. So, expose yourself to Sunlight for a few hours. Do what gives you pleasure and have a great fun. Massage has no alternative. Human touch has been found to increase serotonin level to a great extent.

Supply Serotonin supplements to Your Body

Supplements also maintain your serotonin level to a good extent. 5-HTP is a compound present in human body. This compound acts as a precursor to serotonin. Also produced from plant sources, supplemental 5-HTP can be taken as pills. There are some good serotonin supplemental products in market. Know in detail before you buy. Going for natural serotonin supplements is always better than synthetic supplements. To remain healthy, we need to remain aware of our body-chemistry. When there is a deficit, take action to fill the gap. The compound trio serotonin-dopamine-norepinephrine makes your mind feel happy from within.